Tuesday, October 30, 2012

مكافحة القرآن عن السابقين مسلم (arabic)

إذا شخص واحد لديه الوهم، ويسمى الجنون
 إذا كثير من الناس الوهم، ويسمى الدين
ريتشارد دوكينز-

أعظم الخوف من مسلم، هو المعرفة، وهذا ما أواجه الآن. دعونا نرى الجميع، أن هناك شيء اسمه مسلم تمرد! فليعلموا أن هناك أشخاصا، على الرغم من أنها قد يخشى الموت من الآخرين بسبب التجديف له، لا يزال ما يقوم به.

إشعال هذه الثورة. ويبدأ دائما مع شرارة.السبيل الوحيد، هو لمهاجمة صميم الإسلام، والقرآن. 

القرآن الكريم، على الرغم من أنه يحتوي على آيات سلمية ومتناغمة، ويحتوي على العديد من الآيات التي تتم حتى مجرد لغرس الخوف وتشجع على العنف، وإيهام المؤمنين به في لهجتها الجميلة.في النهاية، فمن المؤكد كتاب الشعر الذي يعرض على كمية عالية من الصور والخيال، ولكن معناها الأساسي، يمكن أن يكون أكثر الظلام، والتسمم، مضللة، وهمي مما كنا نتوقع. سوف أحاول أن أعطي تفسيرات الشعرية ذات معنى لكل آية، إذا لزم الأمر، بين قوسين.

سيتم وضع علامة على أياس السلمي، أو الآيات، مع * 
سيتم وضع علامة على السلبية، مع - منها محايدة، سيتم وضع علامة مع / في الغالب، يتم استخدام السلمي فقط أياس لإخفاء الشر الخفية من تلك السلبية. انها عبقرية

1.بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

2-الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
(يحكي المؤمنين أن هناك دكتاتور ودعا الله فوقهم، الذي هو من 'الرب'. هذا بإعلام أن هذا الكتاب، هذه الآيات، أو ما جاء من عند الله، سيكون أكثر من تعليمة أو الطلب، بدلا من اقتراح في الحياة)

3*الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
(هذا فقط لتشتيت انتباه القارئ من الآية السابقة، وهو ما يعني أن هناك الرب الذي يجب أن تخدم وتلتفت. انها قناع لدكتاتورية الرحمن الرحيم الشر.)

4-مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ
(يبلغ المؤمنين بأن تكون هناك يوم آخر عندما يتم الحكم عليهم، وأنهم ينبغي أن يراقب بعناية على العمل مع كل من عقلية الخوف من الخطيئة، وبالتالي الوقوع في الخطأ لا أن نتعلم منها. وفي المقابل، مما تسبب في عدم وجود التقدم. كما أنه يبقي اعتبارها تابعا للالمتوقعة في المستقبل، وليس في المرة الوحيدة التي يمكن أن تؤثر في الواقع، والتي هي في الوقت الحاضر.)

 إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِين-5
(يضع بشكل غير مباشر الكلمات في أفواه أتباع، نقول لهم أنه ينبغي فقط كلام الله، والتي هي كلمات هذا القرآن، واستمع ل، ولا شيء غير ذلك. التحكم في العقل هذا، عن طريق تقييد كمية المعرفة يمكن للمرء أن يحصل وهذا هو السبب في كثير من المسلمين حتى تحرق كل ما يتعارض مع القرآن، كما هو التعليمات البرمجية الخاصة بهم.)
6-اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ
(قد يبدو مثل هذا هو الآية جيدة وممتعة، لكنها أبعد ما تكون عن ذلك. هناك شر عظيم في هذا المجال. صراط مستقيم. فكروا. ليس هناك سوى طريقة واحدة. أي وسيلة أخرى، وهذا هو الطريقومن المفترض طريق الإسلام، الذي هو وسيلة واحدة. عند واحد يتبع الصراط المستقيم، وهذا يعني فقط أنه العقل واحد، ومرنة وليس في طرق التفكير من الأفكار والمشاركة. هذا هو أكثر المدمرة التي على ما يبدو. أن تكون الحياة على أساس عدم اليقين ومفاجأة، ولكن هذا الطريق المستقيم، يعني اتباع فقط، ولا شيء غير ذلك. انها غسيل المخ، والسيطرة على العقل)

صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلا الضَّالِّينَ7-
(وهذا هو تذكير المسلمين بأن هذا المسار، هو فقط لأولئك الذين أنعم الله، وهذا يعني أن أولئك الذين أنعم الله تتبع بشكل أعمى هذا الدين، وهي على 'الصراط المستقيم'. وأولئك الذين ليسوا على صراط مستقيم ، أو غير ذلك من أشكال تسعى المزج أو الحقائق، وتلقي غضب من الله، وتبحث عن أجوبة لأخرى، أو تتطلع إلى توسيع إمكانيات نفسه إلى الآخر لا حصر له، وقال انه قد ضل) 


(زوجان من الحروف العربية، وربما كتب أسفل فقط لإظهار أن هناك بعض الأشياء التي فقط الله يعلم، وأنها لا يمكن أبدا معرفة ما تعنيه هذه الكلمات.1

ذَلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لا رَيْبَ فِيهِ هُدًى لِلْمُتَّقِينَ2-
(هذه الآية يخبر المؤمنين بأن ليست هناك اي شك في ذلك، وهذا يعني أنه سيكون من العبث، أو في الواقع يعاقب عليها القانون، لاستجواب أي من ذلك، ويقول لهم أنه هو كتاب الكمال، مع عدم وجود عيوب على الإطلاق، مما يجعل المؤمنين توافق باستمرار مع أي شيء تقول عليهم، وهذا سيكون جيد الآية أول من البداية، لأنه عندما بدأ الكتابة قبل محمد، عرف أن الناس قد تبدأ شك، فراح على أن تبدأ مع هذه الآية، حتى يتمكن الناس من لا تفكر مرتين، كما أنه يذكر، بل هو دليل لأولئك الذين ندرك الله. وبعبارة أخرى، من أولئك الذين يقظة من الآثار السلبية للفلسفة العقل تثبيط الخطيئة، وهذا يعني المؤمنين لا يمكن أبدا أن تتصرف بحرية، ولكن انظر دائما إذا ما يقومون به هو مسموح به في القرآن الكريم، أو من الله. انها المربي من الجنود، الذين لديهم إيمان معظم شركة وأعمى من أي وقت مضى ليكون موجودا، وانهم مقتنعون، أنه لا يمكن أبدا أن يكون مجالا للشك في القرآن الكريم. ما الذي يجعل الأمر سوءا، هو أنه الشعرية، وهذا يعني وشيوخ مسلم أن يختار أيا كان التفسير يريدون، طالما أنه يعزز عقيدة الأمة في الإسلام، وبالتالي اكتساب المزيد من القوة، على الناس.)2-

الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ الصَّلاةَ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ3-

(ويرد على الفور أن هذا آية سلبية للغاية. بل هو في الواقع، تضر المنطق، ويقول "يؤمنون بالغيب". وهذا يشير بشكل عفوي إلى أن يقال المؤمنين أن يكون هناك اعتقاد غير منطقي ويعتمد بصورة عمياء في الله. منذ الله لا في الواقع موجودة في حواسنا، وهذا يعني أننا نعيش دائما خارج حواسنا، لأن ذلك هو المكان الذي هو الله.الحقيقة الأكثر الملتوية حول هذا الموضوع، هو أنها دفن شك عميق في أنفسهم. انها لالدماغ العقلاني ونقول لهم، كيف كنت تعتقد في ما لا يمكن إدراكه. ولكن المسلمين قمع عقلانيتها، وذلك بسبب الخوف لم يسبق لها مثيل الآيات المثيرة للقرآن الكريم، واتبع ما هو مكتوب.ثم، والبقاء ثابتة في الصلاة، وهذا هو مجرد قول المؤمنين لأداء صلواتهم باستمرار بأي ثمن. فمن طقوس بالتوجه الذي أقنعة أنها النفس في جمال واجب ديني. إذا لم يكن لأداء الصلاة، ومعاقبتهم بشدة، والآيات في وقت لاحق أن أذكر. أيضا، فإنه يقول: أنفقوا من ما قدمنا لك. هذا هو مجرد قول الناس، وهذا ما كنت تملك، لم تأت من عملك، أو ما كنت قد كافحت واقعية ل، ولكن من الله. لذلك لا يمكن ان تعطي لنفسك 
الائتمان عن أي شيء، وبالتالي يتم أخذ هويتك.)

وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِمَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْكَ وَمَا أُنْزِلَ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ وَبِالآخِرَةِ هُمْ يُوقِنُونَ4-

(وتقول أن هذا الكتاب هو دليل لأولئك الذين يعتقدون في الخرافات من الوحي، أو القرآن، أنزل لهم، والذين من قبلهم. هذه الآية هو قول المؤمنين أنه ليست سوى دليل الخاص بك إذا كنت أعتقد اعتقادا راسخا في الوحي، باعتباره بكاملها. وهذا يعني أن المسلمين يعتقدون أن في كل حرف واحد من القرآن الكريم، من أجل الاسترشاد بها. ولا يمكن أدى إلى "الصراط المستقيم" والسماح لتكون "موجهة" إذا على الإطلاق أنهم لا يعتقدون في مجموعة مكونة من "الكشف" من قبلهم، وهذا يؤدي إلى نهج ضيق جدا على الأخلاق والمنظور، كما هي دائما، وإلى أجل غير مسمى، على سبيل المثال نطاق كلمات القرآن، ويذكر أيضا في الآخرة، لتذكيرهم من المخاوف لديهم من أخطاء ارتكاب الخطايا، أو القرارات، وبذلك أصبحت 
الروبوتات الثابتة وآلات لهذه الأجندة الشمولية.) 

أُولَئِكَ عَلَى هُدًى مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ5-
(وهذا هو مجرد قول المؤمنين بأن ما دمت لا تزال خادما مطيعا، لا يسأل أي سؤال، يؤمنون بالغيب، يكون الإيمان الذي لا يتزعزع في أن يكون خارج التصور، ثم يتم مكافأة لكم، وهذا هو الجنون الدين، في الإدانة التي يشيد عمياء، والأفكار غسلها الأبيض.)

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا سَوَاءٌ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَأَنْذَرْتَهُمْ أَمْ لَمْ تُنْذِرْهُمْ لا يُؤْمِنُونَ6-

(وكان هذا من عبقرية محمد الآية في هذا ويقول القارئ أن أولئك الذين ينكرون ما هو من المفترض أن الحقيقة، أو الدين في نهاية المطاف، فإنه لا تحدث فرقا ما إذا كنت تحذيرهم أم لا، ويتم فقدان بالفعل. هو ما انه يحاول خداعك. انه محاولة لجعل كنت تعتقد أن أولئك الذين يذهبون على البحث عن مصادر أخرى للمعرفة هي مريضة، وانها لن يهم ما إذا كنت تقديم المشورة لهم في الإسلام أم لا، والسبب هذا صحيح، هو أن مرة واحدة يترك الناس الإسلام، والسبب أنها لن ترغب في العودة، لأن لديهم تتحقق بالكامل وأيقظ لطبيعة الإسلام الحقيقية، والتي هي واحدة مظلمة جدا، وهذا هو السبب في أنها لا ترغب في العودة!)

خَتَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ وَعَلَى سَمْعِهِمْ وَعَلَى أَبْصَارِهِمْ غِشَاوَةٌ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ7-

(آخر نفوذ لا يصدق الموهوبين من ركلة جزاء محمد ل. انه يجعل المؤمنين أعتقد أن هؤلاء الذين أيقظ لحقيقة الإسلام، ونرى وجهها الحقيقي، وختم على قلوبهم وآذانهم، وأعمى عيونهم. وساوى يجري استيقظ وعلم أن الحقيقة بأنه أعمى، وهذا هو الطريق الملتوية تماما للتعامل مع المؤمنين بك. جعل منهم أنها تعتقد أن أعمى، عندما تكون في واقع الأمر أيقظ، وعلى رأس جعلها تعتبر ان أعمى لها، وحذروا من والعقاب الابدي، الذي يضاعف من معاناة مجرد أن تكون قادرة على 
التحرر من هذا الدين تكبيل العقل.)

وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَقُولُ آمَنَّا بِاللَّهِ وَبِالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَمَا هُم بِمُؤْمِنِينَ8-

(السبب في أن الناس يقولون ذلك تماما: "نحن نؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر" دون أن يقول فعلا من قلوبهم، لأنهم خائفون جدا كنت ملعون! إذا قال أي شيء، أو يحاول الطعن في القرآن بأي شكل من الأشكال، وسوف بالتأكيد ان يعدم. أعدكم قرائي، محمد، هو حقا ديكتاتور كبير، وهذا هو قادرة على السيطرة على الناس، بعد فترة طويلة أنه ميت.)

يُخَادِعُونَ اللَّهَ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَمَا يَخْدَعُونَ إِلَّا أَنفُسَهُمْ وَمَا يَشْعُرُونَ9-

(نجاح باهر، وأنا معجب حقا أنا. ليس فقط لا ندعو محمد أولئك الذين يحاولون توسيع لأشكال أخرى من المعرفة المكفوفين ومصيرها، كما انه يجعل لهم أنفسهم شك! البقرة المقدسة! انها مثل الناس الذين يحاولون التفكير لم يكن لديك ما يكفي من الشكوك بالفعل! وقال انه من المستحيل! "إنهم يخدعون إلا أنفسهم". في النهاية، أولئك الذين يسعون لمعرفة الحقيقة، التي عادة ما تكون سرا، دون أن يعلم أحد، وأنهم خائفون، وأنها سوف تسمح في نهاية المطاف تذهب، والبدء في التفكير أن كان مزحة عليها.)

فِي قُلُوبِهِم مَّرَضٌ فَزَادَهُمُ اللَّهُ مَرَضًا ۖ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْذِبُونَ10-

(وهو إقناع المؤمنين أنه عندما يجري تلتئم قلوبكم من السم وضعت هذه الأفكار في رأسك، وأنك مريضة. أنت لست مريضة! كنت ببساطة إسقاط والقذف بعيدا القمامة كنت قد وضعت في عقلك، وبالطبع أن يحدث لتسبب لك الألم. لكنه يجعلك تعتقد أن هذا الألم من يتم تعيين مجانا هو مرض والمرض. ما نكح فعلت محمد؟ ثم يذكر أنه سيتم معاقبتهم، كما تم الكذب. لا! هم 'يفترض' سوف يعاقب، لأنهم أرادوا كسر سخيف مجانا!)

وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لَا تُفْسِدُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ11-

(محمد مرة أخرى هنا هو التواء الكلمات. انه يجعل القارئ يفكر أن الآخرين إفساد الأرض، لأنهم لا يلتزم الإسلام، وهو الدين الذي بالتأكيد يعزز هناك سلام من أي نوع، كما آياته تصوير بالتأكيد. معظم الآيات هي التحذيرات من العقاب، وهذا هو حقا كارثة. وعندما يقول آخرون، "نحن دعاة سلام"، إلا أنها في الحقيقة يعني، كل ذلك لأنهم يحاولون على الارجح الى نشر المعرفة الفلسفية الحقيقية في جميع أنحاء عبر البلدان، وهذا للمسلمين، يعتبر تهديدا. لأنها ليست التمسك دينها الذي يعيق العقل على التفكير جدا، فهي تعتبر من المفسدين.) 

أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ الْمُفْسِدُونَ وَلَٰكِن لَّا يَشْعُرُونَ12-
(هذا هو آخر محاولة لتغيير الأفكار جدا من المؤمنين إلى الاعتقاد بأن أي واحد يعتبر من يسعى للذهاب ضد الإسلام في أي حال، والمدمرة، والشر. ونجاح باهر، وآخر عبقري. انه قائلا ان المفسدين لا يدركون ذلك بأنفسهم. هذا يجعل أولئك الذين يرغبون في الكشف عن الحقيقة أشك في أنفسهم، معتقدين أنهم لا يدركون أنهم حمقى. أنا لم أر قط شيء الشر والقرآن. فهو مثالي أقول لكم؟ نعم، هو، في غسيل المخ لك.)

وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ آمِنُوا كَمَا آمَنَ النَّاسُ قَالُوا أَنُؤْمِنُ كَمَا آمَنَ السُّفَهَاءُ ۗ أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ السُّفَهَاءُ وَلَٰكِن لَّا يَعْلَمُونَ13-

(التواء مرة أخرى الكلمات، والأفكار. هؤلاء الناس الذين قالوا إن نحن نعتقد عمياء كما يعتقد هؤلاء الحمقى، يعني حقا ما قالوا. نظروا إلى المسلمين، ورأيت الناس غير قادرين على التحليل النقدي، ويتم غسلها بيضاء مع قناعة غير عقلانية. هذا هو السبب في أنهم قالوا ترى سوى الحمقى. حتى الآن، هذا هو المكان الذي محمد مرة أخرى، يجعل المؤمنين تعتقد أن تلك النكتة هي على أشخاص آخرين. انه يجعل الناس يعتقدون أنه من الذين هم يا حمقى، بينما في الواقع، انهم هم الذين يتمتعون بحرية. لذلك يبدأ الناس للسخرية أولئك الذين ليسوا مسلمين، وجعل لهم منبوذين، مما يقوض صوتهم للغاية، وحرق كلماتهم إلى أي شيء)

وَإِذَا لَقُوا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قَالُوا آمَنَّا وَإِذَا خَلَوْا إِلَىٰ شَيَاطِينِهِمْ قَالُوا إِنَّا مَعَكُمْ إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُسْتَهْزِئُونَ14-

(السبب كما يقولون، 'أعتقد' أمام المسلمين، هو أننا خائفين أن أقول أي شيء، والسبب يذهبون إلى الآخرين، والبدء يسخر لك، هو أنها حقا كيف يعبرون عن جرفت المسلمين حقا و. محمد يرى انها تسخر فقط لأنه يذهب ضده. كانوا في الواقع، واصفا مدى رأوا المسلمين، لأن الناس الذين فقدوا عقولهم لعقيدة غير معقول. كانوا يسخرون أنها لم تكن، في الواقع تخشى على سلامة العقل ومسلم. ولكن منذ محمد لا يريد أن يعترف بأنه كان مجنونا، دعا لهم "مستهزئا".)

اللَّهُ يَسْتَهْزِئُ بِهِمْ وَيَمُدُّهُمْ فِي طُغْيَانِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ15-

(هذا هو مجرد وسيلة لإخبار المؤمنين أن الله سوف يسخر معاقبة أي شخص، أو بعبارة أخرى، يجرؤ تتعارض مع الإسلام. كما انه الزميلة أولئك الذين يسخرون، مصابون بالعمى في طغيانهم. هذا هو وسيلة خطيرة للغاية لعلاج العقل. انه شيء واحد الزميلة مع الآخر، ويجعلها واحدة. أولئك الذين يسخرون، مصابون بالعمى. أن يصبح حقيقة في الاعتبار مسلم.)

أُولَٰئِكَ الَّذِينَ اشْتَرَوُا الضَّلَالَةَ بِالْهُدَىٰ فَمَا رَبِحَت تِّجَارَتُهُمْ وَمَا كَانُوا مُهْتَدِينَ16-

(هذا هو مجرد قول المؤمنين بأن مترابطة بعمق الإرشاد والإسلام. هذا هو محمد لاستخدام آخر الخدع العقل رابطة تقنية. ويطلق عليها أولئك الذين مضللة، أو هي في الواقع طلب العلم خارج نطاق الإسلام، وعديمة الفائدة. هم أولئك الذين يلقي بعيدا في الظل، حيث لا يمكن لأحد أن تسمع لهم. ويرتبط أيضا فكرة قائلا الإرشاد مع 'الصراط المستقيم' المذكورة سابقا، وذلك لأذكر أن التوجيه يأتي فقط عندما الاتباع الدقيق للكلمات القرآن. حتى الآن، كانت مرتبطة الإرشاد، صراط مستقيم، والإيمان الأعمى،

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Anti-Koran, by Ex-Muslim

A message from an Ex-Muslim. Islam is the biggest lie, and delusion the planet has ever faced.

The only way an Ex-Muslim can express his views is on the internet, because any word that emanates from your mouth that is intended to question the 'absolute truth' of Islam, is immediately punished severely.

Most of the Koran contains verses of hate and anguish, darkness and fear.

If Islam is to be correctly debated, then we all have to study the Koran carefully.

The Koran, although it contains peaceful and harmonious verses, contains so many verses which are made to instill fear.

Islam definitely has many apparent and obvious flaws. It goes against and violates basic human rights of choice to be able to express one's own religious views. Everything in the Koran is absolute, and any word that is said against it, or the prophet, is immediately considered as blasphemy, and is punished severely.


(1) The Opening:

-6.Guide us to the Straight Path
(It may seem like this is a good and pleasant verse, but it is far from that. There is a great evil in this. A straight path. Think about it. There is only one way. No other way. That way is the way of Islam, which is a single way. When one follows a straight path, that only means that he is single minded, and not flexible in ways of reasoning and sharing ideas. This is more destructive that it seems. Life is supposed to be based on uncertainty and surprise. But this straight path, means you only follow it, and nothing else. It's brainwashing, and mind control)

(2) The Heifer:

-2.This is the Book; there is no doubt in it. It is a guide for those who are mindful of God.
(This verse tells the believers that there is absolutely no doubt in it. This means that it would be pointless, or in fact punishable, to question any of it. It tells them that it is a perfect Book, with no flaws whatsoever, making the believers constantly agree with anything it says upon them. This would be a good first verse to start with, because when before Muhammed started writing, he knew that people might start doubting, so he went on to start with this verse, so people can not think twice. Also, it mentions, it is a guide for those who are mindful of God. In other words, of those who are vigilant of the negative consequences of the mind inhibiting philosophy of sin. This means believers can never act freely, but always see if what they are doing is permissible in the Koran, or from Allah. It's a breeder of soldiers, who have the most firm and blind faith ever to have existed, as they are convinced, that there can never be a doubt in the Koran. What makes it worse, is that it is poetic. That means, Muslim Sheikhs can choose whatever interpretation they want, as long as it reinforces the nation's belief in Islam, and in turn, gain power over people.)

-3. Who believe in the unseen, are steadfast in their prayers, and spend out of what we have provided them with
(This is immediately shown to be a very negative verse. It is in fact, detrimental to reasoning. It says 'believe in the unseen'. This spontaneously points to the fact that the believers are told to have an irrational and blindly based belief in Allah. Since Allah does not in fact exist in our senses, that means we are always living outside of our senses, as that is where God is. The most twisted fact about this, is that they bury the doubt deep within themselves. It's because their rational brain is telling them, how can you believe in what you can't perceive. But Muslims suppress their rationality, due to the unprecedented fear provoking verses of the Koran, and follow what is written. Then, stay steadfast in prayer, this is just telling the believers to constantly perform their prayers at any cost. It is a cultish ritual, which masks it self in the beauty of a religious duty. If they don't perform the prayer, they are punished severely, as later verses would mention. Also, it says, spend out of what we have provided you with. This is just telling people, that what you own, never came from your work, or what you have realistically strived for, but from God. So you can never give yourself credit for anything, and thus your identity is taken.)

-6. As for those who are bent on denying the truth, it makes no difference to them whether you warn them or not, they will not believe.
(This verse was of Muhammed's genius. It tells the readers that those who deny what is supposedly the truth, or the ultimate religion, it doesn't make a difference whether you warn them or not, as they are already lost. This is what he is trying to trick you into. He's trying to make you think that those who go on seeking other sources of knowledge are diseased, and it won't matter whether you advise them into Islam or not. The reason that is true, is that once people leave Islam, the reason they won't want to come back, is because they have fully realized and awakened to the true nature of Islam, which is a very dark one. That is why they don't wish to return!)

-7. God has sealed their hearts and their ears, and over their eyes is a covering. They will have a terrible punishment.
(Another unbelievable talented sway of Muhammed's pen. He makes the believers think that those who are awakened to the truth of Islam, and see its true colors, has a seal over their hearts and ears, and their eyes are blinded. He equated being awakened and aware to truth as being blind. This is completely twisted way of dealing with your believers. Making them think they are blinded, when they are in fact awakened. And on top of making them think that they will be blinded, they are warned of eternal punishment, which just multiplies the hardship of being able to break free of this mind-shackling religion.)

-10.In their hearts is a disease, which God has increased. They will have a painful punishment, because they have been lying.
(He is convincing the believers that when your hearts are being healed of the poison these ideas put into your head, that you are diseased. You are not diseased! You are simply dropping out and tossing away the garbage you have put in your mind, and of course that's going to cause you pain. But he makes you think this pain of being set free is a disease and sickness. What the fuck have you done Muhammed? And then he mentions that they will be punished, as they have been lying. No! They are 'supposedly' going to be punished, because they wanted to fucking break free!)

-12. But it is they who are really causing corruption, though they do not realize it.
(This is another attempt to alter the very thoughts of the believers into thinking that any one who seeks to go against Islam in anyway, is considered as destructive, and evil. And wow, another genius. He's saying that the corruptors don't realize it themselves. This makes those who wish to unveil the truth doubt themselves, thinking that they just don't realize that they are the fools. I've never seen smething as evil as the Koran. It is perfect you say? Yes, it is, at brainwashing you.)

-14. When they meet those who believe, they say, 'We believe.' But when they are alone with their evil leaders, they say. 'We are really with you; we were only mocking.'
(The reason they say, 'I believe' in front of Muslims, is that they're frightened to say anything, and the reason they go on to others, and start mocking you, is that they are truly expressing how washed away the Muslims really are. Muhammed sees it as mocking only because it goes against him. They were in fact, just describing how they saw the Muslims, as people who've lost their minds to unreasonable dogma. They weren't mocking, they were in fact afraid for the Muslim's sanities. But since Muhammed didn't want to admit that he was insane, he called them 'mockers'.)

Lets begin:

(1) The Opening

*1.In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

-2.All praise to God, the Lord of the Universe
(Tells the believers that there is a dictator called God above them, who is their 'Lord'. This informs that this book, these verses, or what came from Allah, is going to be more of an instruction or demand, rather than suggestion to life)

*3.the Beneficent, the Merciful
(This is just to distract the reader from the previous verse, which implies that there is a Lord whom they should serve and heed. It's a merciful mask for an evil dictatorship.)

-4.Lord of the Day of Judgment
(Informs the believers that there shall be a Last Day when they are Judged, and that they should watch carefully over their every action with a mindset of fear of sin. Thus, not making mistakes to learn from them. In turn, causing lack of progress. It also keeps the follower's mind projected in the future, rather than in the only time which they could actually influence, which is the present.)

-5.You alone do we worship, and you alone do we turn for help
(Indirectly puts words into the mouths of followers, telling them that only the words of God, which are the words of this Koran, should be listened to, and nothing else. Mind control this is, by restricting the amount of knowledge one can receive. This is why so many Muslims burn anything that goes against the Koran, as it is their code.

-6.Guide us to the Straight Path
(It may seem like this is a good and pleasant verse, but it is far from that. There is a great evil in this. A straight path. Think about it. There is only one way. No other way. That way is the way of Islam, which is a single way. When one follows a straight path, that only means that he is single minded, and not flexible in ways of reasoning and sharing ideas. This is more destructive that it seems. Life is supposed to be based on uncertainty and surprise. But this straight path, means you only follow it, and nothing else. It's brainwashing, and mind control)

-7.The path of those you have blessed; not of those who have incurred your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray
(This is reminding the Muslims that this path, is only for those who are blessed. This means that those who blindly follow this religion, and are on the 'straight path', are blessed. And those who aren't on the straight path, or seeking other forms of wisdoms or truths, receive wrath from God. And for looking for other answers, or looking to expand oneself to the infinite other possibilities, he has gone astray)

(2) The Heifer

/1. Alif Lam Mim
(A couple of Arabic letters, probably written down merely to show that there are some things which only Allah knows, and that they could never know what these words mean.)

-2.This is the Book; there is no doubt in it. It is a guide for those who are mindful of God.
(This verse tells the believers that there is absolutely no doubt in it. This means that it would be pointless, or in fact punishable, to question any of it. It tells them that it is a perfect Book, with no flaws whatsoever, making the believers constantly agree with anything it says upon them. This would be a good first verse to start with, because when before Muhammed started writing, he knew that people might start doubting, so he went on to start with this verse, so people can not think twice. Also, it mentions, it is a guide for those who are mindful of God. In other words, of those who are vigilant of the negative consequences of the mind inhibiting philosophy of sin. This means believers can never act freely, but always see if what they are doing is permissible in the Koran, or from Allah. It's a breeder of soldiers, who have the most firm and blind faith ever to have existed, as they are convinced, that there can never be a doubt in the Koran. What makes it worse, is that it is poetic. That means, Muslim Sheikhs can choose whatever interpretation they want, as long as it reinforces the nation's belief in Islam, and in turn, gain power over people.)

-3. Who believe in the unseen, are steadfast in their prayers, and spend out of what we have provided them with
(This is immediately shown to be a very negative verse. It is in fact, detrimental to reasoning. It says 'believe in the unseen'. This spontaneously points to the fact that the believers are told to have an irrational and blindly based belief in Allah. Since Allah does not in fact exist in our senses, that means we are always living outside of our senses, as that is where God is. The most twisted fact about this, is that they bury the doubt deep within themselves. It's because their rational brain is telling them, how can you believe in what you can't perceive. But Muslims suppress their rationality, due to the unprecedented fear provoking verses of the Koran, and follow what is written. Then, stay steadfast in prayer, this is just telling the believers to constantly perform their prayers at any cost. It is a cultish ritual, which masks it self in the beauty of a religious duty. If they don't perform the prayer, they are punished severely, as later verses would mention. Also, it says, spend out of what we have provided you with. This is just telling people, that what you own, never came from your work, or what you have realistically strived for, but from God. So you can never give yourself credit for anything, and thus your identity is taken.)

-4. Those who believe in the revelation sent down to you and in what was sent before you, and firmly believe in the hereafter
(It says that this Book is a guide for those who believe in the myths of revelation, or the Koran, sent down to them, and those before them. This verse is telling the believers that it is only your guide if you firmly believe in its revelation, as an entirety. This means the Muslims have to believe in every single letter of the Koran, in order for them to be guided. They can't be led to a 'straight path' and be allowed to be 'guided' whatsoever if they don't believe in the 'revelations' set before them. This leads to a very narrow approach on morality and perspective, as they are always, and indefinitely, limited to the scope of the words of the Koran. It also mentions in the hereafter, to remind them of the fears they have of committing sins, or making mistakes, thus becoming static robots and machines for this totalitarian agenda.)

-5. They are the people who are rightfully following their Lord and it is they who shall be successful.
(This is just telling the believers that as long as you remain an obedient servant, not ask any questions, believe in the unseen, have unshakable faith in that which is beyond perception, then you shall be rewarded. This is the madness of religion, in which it praises blind conviction, and white washed thoughts.)

-6. As for those who are bent on denying the truth, it makes no difference to them whether you warn them or not, they will not believe.
(This verse was of Muhammed's genius. It tells the readers that those who deny what is supposedly the truth, or the ultimate religion, it doesn't make a difference whether you warn them or not, as they are already lost. This is what he is trying to trick you into. He's trying to make you think that those who go on seeking other sources of knowledge are diseased, and it won't matter whether you advise them into Islam or not. The reason that is true, is that once people leave Islam, the reason they won't want to come back, is because they have fully realized and awakened to the true nature of Islam, which is a very dark one. That is why they don't wish to return!)

-7. God has sealed their hearts and their ears, and over their eyes is a covering. They will have a terrible punishment.
(Another unbelievable talented sway of Muhammed's pen. He makes the believers think that those who are awakened to the truth of Islam, and see its true colors, has a seal over their hearts and ears, and their eyes are blinded. He equated being awakened and aware to truth as being blind. This is completely twisted way of dealing with your believers. Making them think they are blinded, when they are in fact awakened. And on top of making them think that they will be blinded, they are warned of eternal punishment, which just multiplies the hardship of being able to break free of this mind-shackling religion.)

-8.There are some who say, 'We believe in God and the Last Day,' yet they are not believers.
(The reason that people just say that 'we believe in God and the last day' without actually saying it from their hearts, is because they're too goddamn scared! If he says anything, or tries to challenge the Koran in any way, he'll surely be executed. I promise you my readers, Muhammed, truly is a great dictator, that is able to control people, long after he's dead.)

-9.They seek to deceive God and the believers, but they only deceive themselves, though they do not realize it.
(Wow, I am truly impressed. Not only does Muhammed call those who try to expand to other forms of knowledge blind and doomed, he also makes them doubt themselves! Holy cow! It's like people who try to think don't have enough doubts already! He made it impossible! 'They only deceive themselves'. In the end, those who seek for the truth, which is usually secretly, without anyone knowing, as they are frightened, they'll eventually let it go, and start to think that the joke was on them.)

-10.In their hearts is a disease, which God has increased. They will have a painful punishment, because they have been lying.
(He is convincing the believers that when your hearts are being healed of the poison these ideas put into your head, that you are diseased. You are not diseased! You are simply dropping out and tossing away the garbage you have put in your mind, and of course that's going to cause you pain. But he makes you think this pain of being set free is a disease and sickness. What the fuck have you done Muhammed? And then he mentions that they will be punished, as they have been lying. No! They are 'supposedly' going to be punished, because they wanted to fucking break free!)

-11. When they are told, 'Do not cause corruption in the land,' they say, 'We are only promoters of peace,' but it is they who are really causing corruption, though they do not realize it.
(Again Muhammed here is twisting words. He makes the readers think that others are corrupting the land, because they are not abiding by Islam, which surely is a religion which promotes no peace whatsoever, as its verses surely depict. Most verses are warnings of punishment. This truly is a disaster. And when the others say, 'we are promoters of peace', they really do mean it. It's because they are probably trying to spread true philosophical knowledge around across the countries, and this to the Muslims, is considered a threat. Since they are not upholding its religion which dulls the very mind to think, they are considered the corruptors.)

-12. But it is they who are really causing corruption, though they do not realize it.
(This is another attempt to alter the very thoughts of the believers into thinking that any one who seeks to go against Islam in anyway, is considered as destructive, and evil. And wow, another genius. He's saying that the corruptors don't realize it themselves. This makes those who wish to unveil the truth doubt themselves, thinking that they just don't realize that they are the fools. I've never seen smething as evil as the Koran. It is perfect you say? Yes, it is, at brainwashing you.)

-13. And when they are told, 'Believe as the other people have believed,' they say, 'Are we to believe just as fools believe?' Surely they are the fools, though they do not realize it.
(Again twisting words, and thoughts. Those people who said that are we to blindly believe as those fools believe, really meant what they said. They looked at Muslims, and saw people nopt capable of critical analysis, and are white washed with irrational conviction. That's why they said that they only see fools. Yet, this is where Muhammed again, makes the believers think that the joke is on those other people. He makes the people think that it is hey who are the fools, while in fact, they are the ones who are free. So people start to ridicule those who are not Muslims, and make them the outcasts, thus undermining their very voice, and burning their words to nothing)

-14. When they meet those who believe, they say, 'We believe.' But when they are alone with their evil leaders, they say. 'We are really with you; we were only mocking.'
(The reason they say, 'I believe' in front of Muslims, is that they're frightened to say anything, and the reason they go on to others, and start mocking you, is that they are truly expressing how washed away the Muslims really are. Muhammed sees it as mocking only because it goes against him. They were in fact, just describing how they saw the Muslims, as people who've lost their minds to unreasonable dogma. They weren't mocking, they were in fact afraid for the Muslim's sanities. But since Muhammed didn't want to admit that he was insane, he called them 'mockers'.)

-15. God will requite them for their mockery, and draw them on, for a while, to wander blindly in their insolence.
(This is just a way of telling the believers that God will punish anyone who mocks, or in other words, dares go against Islam. He also associates those who mock, are blind in their insolence. This is a very dangerous way of treating the mind. He associates one thing with the other, and makes them one. Those who mock, are blind. That becomes fact in the muslim's mind.)

-16. Such are those who have taken misguidance in exchange for guidance, but their bargain does not profit them, nor have they found true guidance.
(This is just telling the believers that Guidance and Islam, are deeply interlinked. This is another association mind tricking technique Muhammed used. And those who are misguided, or are in fact seeking knowledge beyond the scope of Islam, are labeled as useless. They are those who are cast away in the shadows, where no one can hear them. The idea of saying Guidance is also associated with the 'Straight Path' mentioned earlier, so as to mention that guidance only comes when strictly following the words of the Koran. So far, Guidance, Straight Path, and Blind Faith, were associated)

-17. They are like those who kindled a fire, and when it lighted up all around them, God took away their sight and left them in utter darkness, unable to see.
(Such a beautiful poison this verse it. It all depends on how you define 'see'. Muhammed repeatedly said that 'seeing' can only happen if you are looking through the views of Islam, and anything else is vain. And he knew that when one leaves Islam, he truly starts to see. Not only does he call them blind, but he mentions a kindled fire all around them. This kindled 'fire' is the energy of life flowing through your veins! And since you were already brainwashed, the concept of life seemed to frightening and unpredictable, so you start to think that the joke was on you. But in fact, you were breaking free. But since it was too painful, you started to think that this verse was true. When it was only a deception to bring you right back into the lies, making you think, that you were wrong all along. Making you think, that you were mistaken, to have chosen the fire of life.)

-18. deaf, dumb, and blind: they will never return to the right path
(Again Muhammed twisting words. Informing believers that those who break free, are blind dumb, and deaf. And the reason they won't come back, is that they finally know what freedom is. Why on Earth would they come back?)

-19. Or their case is like that of heavy rain pouring down from the clouds, accompanied by darkness, thunder and lightning; they thrust their fingers in their ears at the sound of thunderclaps for fear of death. God thus encompasses those who deny the truth.
(I am breathless. This verse took me away. Not from the beauty of its truth. But of its twisted beauty. The reason they thrust their fingers in their ears, is because when the real truth heads their way, they want to deny it! They want ignorance, because that's how they were raised by Islam! Muhammed knew that people who start learning the truth would not want to hear it, as it would be too painful for their minds to handle, and thus would put their hands over their ears, in fear of finding out the reality, which is unbelievable frightening to them. And this is the really interesting part. He puts a negativity in the 'fear for death'. He knows that the ultimate truth, is that one can only be truly alive and awake, if he is constantly afraid of death, knowing that it could happen any moment. By putting fear of death as taboo, he has eliminated the very possibility of life. He has also created mind-washed soldiers that would willingly sacrifice themselves in the name of Islam, even through suicide. 'God thus encompasses those who deny the truth.' Again Muhammed twisting words. He masks the darkness of Islam with the label of truth, and lets puts people further into this pit hole.)

-20. The lightning almost takes away their sight: whenever it flashes upon them, they walk on, but as soon as darkness falls around them, they stand still. Indeed, if God pleased, he could take away their hearing and their sight: God has power over all things.
(The reason the lightning takes over the minds of the Muslims as soon as they decide to become apostates, is that electrical pulses of thought are finally rushing through their brains. And since it is something odd to the brainwashed believer, and very painful, it is labeled as a punishment from God, and thus think that they are being watched over by the deity they've created in their minds. The reason the 'lightning' or the element of critical thought, takes away their thought, is that they were so conditioned into the religion, that any attempt at doing otherwise would make them seem blind, even though they are being awakened. And when darkness falls upon them, or in other words, the end of the quest to hunt for the dark truth of Islam, they stand still, and give up, and return once more to its brainwashing lies, through repentance, and praying regularly. Then it mentions that if God pleases, he could take away their hearing and their sight. This is merely associating the painful process of leaving the religion and its lies, and waking up, with the delusional consequences that comes from their deity. Then God has power over all things. This just reassures Muslims that they are powerless against his might. And they should surrender their very identities to his embrace.)

-21. People, worship your lord, who created you, and those before you, so that you may become righteous.
(This verse tells the people, or indirectly commands them to pray to Allah. The reason it's more of a command, is because the previous verses inform the Muslims that God is All-Powerful, and you should obey him. It mentions that he created them and those before them, thus putting it in Muslim's minds that he's always existed, since the beginning of mankind. That means that it is suggesting that it is the only real truth, since the beginning of time. Thus, all other sources are dismissed. And ignorance is embraced. 'So that you may become righteous' A phrase which associates being righteous with willfully obeying Allah, worshipping him, and not asking questions.)

-22. who made the Earth a Bed, and the sky a canopy; and it is he who sends down rain from above for the growth of every kind of food for your sustenance. And do not knowingly set up rivals to God.
('The Earth a bed, and the sky a canopy' simply is just a poetic stanza whose goal is to impress the followers with the beauty of rhetoric, convincing them that it must have come from God. And it is he who sends down rain from the sky to grow all foods. This just tells the believers to project an image of a dictator who exists in the heavens, and it is he who created everything, and it is from him that you are able to drink water. This religion destroys all ability to formulate self thought, or to think for one self. It slaughters the identity. And do not knowingly set up rivals for God. This is an indirect and heavy warning to those who dare become apostates, or make others become apostates. The mentioning of God at the end of this line just inflicts another dose of fear to any one who dares to go against the religion.)

-23. If you are in doubt about the revelation We have sent down to our servant, then produce a single chapter like it, and call upon your helpers besides God, if you are truthful.
(This verse is just openly ridiculing its believers, and lowering their belief in themselves. The reason they can't come up with a verse like that, is because they're already white washed in to the religion. Islam destroyed any ability of critical thought in the believers, and deteriorated so much of their creativity. And this is true for most arabs, as most arabs are Muslims. This can be proved by the fact that you never see any Muslim artists. It is in fact taboo. That means, true arab poets, like Muhammed, don't exist any more, because of Islam's influence on the ability to think freely. That's why they can't 'create a chapter' like it. And then it dares them to call upon their helpers to produce a verse like that in the Koran. The reason they won't be able to, is because they are severely restrained by the Muslims in the first place, and their minds just have no means to flourish.)

-24. But if you cannot do it, and you can never do it, then guard yourselves against the Fire whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for those who deny the truth.
(This verse is just stating that it is impossible, or no one can ever, produce a verse like it. This is because you have already fallen under the hypnotizing spell of its words, and got dumbed down creatively. You've become someone subservient to a 'higher power', and don't even dare use your minds to challenge what you were told to believe in so firmly. Then the verse associated a very cruel punishment, which is rather unholy in its description. It's fuel is men and stones! Where is the mercy in that! Where is the forgiveness in that?! And then, prepared for those, who deny the truth. Again, Muhammed twisting words. He's already lured most of his readers into his brainwashing process, and already defined this cruelty as the truth. And those who deny this rather delusory truth, are cast  into this forever burning fire. How can you even worship this God?!)

-25Give the good news to those who believe and do good works, that they will have Gardens through which rivers flow: whenever they are given fruit to eat they will say, 'This is what we were provided with before,' because they were given similar things. And there will be pure spouses for them, and they will abide there forever.
(This verse is stating that those who do good works, or according to what we have read so far, submissively obey and abide by Allah's rules in a rather blind manner, are rewarded with Heaven. Such a smart trick. Using the element of greed, which lies in most people to motivate them to strive so earnestly to the delusion of heaven. Muhammed is using dark human instinct to encourage them to believe in the beauty of this illusion. And the way he describes heaven, with gardens, rivers, and the offering of fruits, is clearly and so openly that of what a human would provide, not a God. 'This is what we were provided before'. What is the point of Heaven, is it is going to be similar in nature design of Earth? This evidently proves that this was written by someone whose imagination cannot go beyond the human capacity of perception. Also, using spouses as a motivation to want heaven even more. Another trick in which Muhammed plays with human instinct. Using the greatest desire, and lust, of human nature, as a push or reason to wish for heaven by striving for Allah, which means doing everything he says, without daring to go against it with any rational argument.)

-26 God does not disdain to give a parable about a gnat or a smaller creature. The faithful know that it is from their Lord, but those who deny the truth ask, 'What could God mean by this parable?' He lets many go astray through it, and guides many by it. But he makes only the disobedient go astray:
(This mentions that although God doesn't mind giving stories of any of his 'works of art', he doesn't really need to, because the faithful will willingly believe it was from him, without asking why. This is an indirect form of dictatorship. It's a dark control masked with kindness and compassion. It just means that you shouldn't question anything, or think beyond these words, and just blindly believe it was from God. This is the trick of the Koran. Masking its dark with the beauty of its verses. It consists of commands which are given in a kind manner, to mask its evil. Then he mentions, that those who wish to ask what this story means, or asking out of a sense of rationality, it crossing the limits of Allah. They are supposedly denying the truth, and spreading the 'disease' of disobedience and corruption out there. Then he states that he'll only make the disobedient, or those who are asking why, go 'astray'. The reason they supposedly go 'astray', is because since they become an outcast to society, they feel cornered out, and thus feel pressures by everyone around him. Thus these 'madmen', who are seeking truth, are labeled 'astray'.

-27. those who break God's covenant after they've pledged to keep it, and sever whatever God has ordered to be joined, and spread corruption in the land-it is they who are the losers.
(It is mentioned in this verse that those who wish to spread corruption in the land, are the losers. Those who wish to spread that 'corruption' are those who are merely asking questions! 'Knowledge is the scourge of Islam' an ex-muslim once said. And by knowledge, he probably meant, philosophical. Where is the rationality in that?)

How can you disbelieve in God when you were dead (lifeless) and He gave you life? He will let you die once more, then bring you back to life again, whereupon you will be returned to him.
(In this verse, the theological image of God, Allah, is the one who gave you the very life you are breathing. Thus, you owe him your very life that you are breathing, and you are nothing, or would have been nothing without him. This is another way of remaining the ultimate controller and dictator above us all, even though he doesn't exist. Such a destructive delusion this is. Mas insanity. Then he mentions that, you will be returned to him. This is another reminder that you are going to be judged and accounted for your sins. The greatest sin, is not worshipping Allah, or worshiping another deity, which instills such a great fear in the hearts of Muslims so that they won't dare do anything. That's why they never ask questions, and reinforce their ignorance, while disdaining knowledge which exists outside the scope of Islam. 'The important thing is, to never stop questioning.' Einstein once said.

It is he who created everything on the Earth for you: then he turns towards heaven and fashioned it into the seven heavens. He has knowledge of all things.
(This verse mentions that he has created everything on Earth for you. This merely causes a very detrimental effect to the minds of its followers. The concept of curiosity disappears and apathy overtakes them. It's because instead of looking at anything and thinking that it's a mystery and you want to figure out more about it, you are given the idea that it is from God. Thus, you don't need to investigate it, or look at it closer. It gives them a 'certainty' that they already figured out everything, and thus don't use their thoughts and minds to evaluate or even feel the things they see. It's because they assume that it's all already figured out. The moment one sees something, instead of seeing it as a beautiful mystery, it's seen as a concrete creation of God. This eliminates any sense of art and true emotion from the human. Also, he mentions that he fashioned the heavens into seven heavens. There seems to be no ultimate sense of real beauty in that. It's probably also a concept of instigating the instinct of rank and greed of people. The more righteous, or blindly obedient they are, the higher they'd be in heaven. 'He has knowledge of all things'. This is just telling the Muslims to not bother seeking or striving for the truth, because only God knows it. It keeps them stagnated in a state of spiritual death, while they think they are righteous.

When your Lord said to the angels, ‘I am putting a successor on earth,’ they said, ‘Will You place someone there who will cause corruption on it and shed blood,while we glorifyYou with Your praise and extol Your holiness?’ Allah answered, ‘Surely, I know that which you do not know.’ 
('Surely, I know that which you do not know.' This is just reminding the believers of the delusory supremacy of God, and that he is above all things. This instills a deeply rooted fear in Muslims to say anything against him, as they feel like nothing compared to his might, and are reduced to nothing. Their confidence in their own mind is belittled. Also, including a dialogue with angels just increases the potency of the delusion, and makes it harder for the believers to see beyond this false reality. The whole idea of mentioning, 'those who will cause corruption' is a trick. The reason he replied with, 'I know what you do not know,' is to imply that the Earth is a test in which everyone is put to the test with regards to his faith and his blind submission. That's why he supposedly made them prone to 'corruption' and 'mayhem'. The test, the ultimate purpose of Islam, is just a mask and a suppression mechanism for the inevitable chaos of human instinct. The test is an excuse for suppressing the inner darkness, which although may be bad, is still natural. In the end, it is suppressing nature.

He taught Adam all the names, then He set them before the angels and said, ‘Tell Me the names of these, if what you say be true.’ 
(then it is stated that he tells Adam all the names, and then set before them the 'angels' and asked them what they mean. This is just to indirectly remind Muslims of the supremacy and the undoubted kingship of Allah. He dares the angels by asking them in an apparently condescending way. This shows that God is definitely two faced.)


They said, ‘Glory be to You; we have no knowledge except whatever You have taught us. You are the All Knowing, the All Wise.’ 

(This verse includes the imagined characters of the angels replying to God that we have no knowledge except for what you have taught us. This again, is reinforcing the idea that Allah is all-knowing, and that we are ignorant, and should remain ignorant, if even the angels themselves don't know anything)


Then He said, ‘O Adam, tell them their names.’ When Adam had told them the names, God said to the angels, ‘Did I not say to you: I know the secrets of the heavens and of the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you conceal?’ 
(this verse is also another rant about how god is all-powerful. It's all about praising and raising him above us, until we have become nothing. The way he says, 'Have i not told ou that I know everything', just proves him to be a god of a bragging nature, and looks down on his followers. THis just reflects back to the arrogance of Muhammed. Also, saying that I know what you conceal, is another way of casting fear into its believers, saying that whatever you dare or even think to do, which Islam prohibits, or goes against Islam, he is watching over your every move. This is perfect mind control)


When We said to the angels, ‘Bow down before Adam,’ they all bowed except for Iblis [Satan]. He refused and acted proudly and became an unbeliever. 
(This verse, was a very smart trick. It puts Iblis as an archetype of rebellion against Islam. Muhammed added him as a character, so that instead of telling the believers themselves what would happen to them if they rebel, he puts it on the neck of Iblis, so as to not appear directly cruel and strict to the believers. He associates Iblis's with rebellion, and desire for freedom, as being proud and ignorant. Allah made rebellion such a fear in Muslims. Such a heartless thing to do. Muhammed also masked the word which truly means 'slave' with the word 'servant'. It a very sly technique. So far, his techniques are association, and masking.)

We said, ‘O Adam! live with your wife in Paradise and eat freely from it anywhere you may wish. Yet do not approach this tree lest you become wrongdoers.’
(This verse has a very special meaning to it. It is a warning to Adam not to approach the tree and eat from it. The probable reason or purpose of the verse is to indirectly and covertly warn believers not to cross the limits of Allah. Allah saying, 'Do not eat from that tree, or you will become wrongdoers.' The tone in which it is written proves God to be more commanding than suggestive. The reason the tree is forbidden is probably that it represents forbidden knowledge which goes against Islam at its very core. It is also some sort of representation of how humans can believe in Islam as they are white washed with a sense of joy, and feel in 'paradise', and cannot obtain outside philosophical knowledge, which represents the tree.)


But Satan caused them both to slip through this and thus brought about the loss of their former state. We said, ‘Go down from here as enemies to each other; and on earth you shall have your abode and your livelihood for a while!’
(This verse has another dangerous trick, which is harmful to the mind. It is said that they have trangressed Allah and have eaten from the tree. This is obviously out of curiosity to see what it upholds. However, Muhammed associates curiosity and desire for knowing as 'Satan'. The element of reason and curiosity is masked with Satan. Then it is blamed on the work of Satan. Then, they shall go on Earth and become enemies until the day of judgment. This is Muhammed indirectly telling the believers that knowledge, and your desire for it, shall be your greatest enemy, until your very last day.)


Then Adam received some words [of prayer] from his Lord and He accepted his repentance. He is the Forgiving One, the Merciful. 
(This is a verse used to cool down the cruelty and souless meaning of the previous verse by saying that Allah is All-Merciful, and All-forgiving, despite the fact that he has taken the very ability of Muslims to reason.


We said, ‘Go down, all of you, from here: then when guidance comes to you from Me, anyone who follows My guidance will have no fear, nor will they grieve 
(This verse is just a providing of vain and misguiding consolation. It's not that fear and grievance will vanish, they will merely be suppressed and stuffed within by the mantras they are told to repeat through hadiths. That's why muslims react with anger to everything, because psychologically, ager is an emotion used to mask the fear and true sorrow within. Fear and grievance, although unwanted in life, are fully natural, and ought to be felt in order to be a normal human being.)


those who deny and reject Our signs shall be the inhabitants of the Fire; therein shall they abide forever.’ 
(Another verse to instill fear in its believers by saying that those who reject the signs, or verses, which usually would happen is they rationally argue with them, they are put into the fire forever. This is why rationalists amongst Muslims don't dare open their mouths in public, as they fear the consequences.)


Children of Israel, remember the favours I have bestowed upon you, and fulfil the covenant that you made with Me. I shall fulfil the covenant I made with you. Fear Me alone.  
(This verse is another way of pulling at the strings of human thought. It is a 'give and take' bargain. I've given you what you want, which is 'created' you, thus you return the favor by worshipping me constantly. 'Fear me alone', this is another way of saying, in a rather dictatorial manner, fear every consequence I set upon you, and don't cross any of my lines.)


And believe in the message I have sent down which fulfils that [predictions about the last prophet in their Scripture] which you already possess and do not be foremost among those who deny its truth. Do not sell My revelations for a paltry price; fear Me alone. 
(This verse is telling, or rather ordering, the believers to accept and have full and unshaking faith in Allah's word, and to not be associated with anyone who goes against it. In other words, see them as outcasts, and treat them as so. And although Allah may not be directly telling Muslims to slay those who trangress is their message, the way Muhammed had already convinced and implanted the stones of Islam in their minds, will surely cause them to involuntarily react with aggression towards who goes against what he wrote. It's a process of covert brainwashing. Then after that's done, Muhammed puts apparently neutral verses, that Muslims will accept without questioning as they have been hypnotized by then. Since the Muslims have already reached this state of mind, anything that is said to them, be it a suggestion or a command, will appear as a command. Again, saying 'fear me alone', saying that only I should be feared and revered, and that anything that goes against me should be put down.


Do not mix truth with falsehood, or hide the truth when you know it. 
(Again, Muhammed twisting words. By now, the readers have already fell under its spell, and are submissive to anything it says. The label of truth is put on the totalitarian agenda of Islam, and its politics. And falsehood, which is a label given to knowledge outside of the Koran, is cast as unfavored. It mentions do not mix the truth with falsehood. This is a way of saying, do not be open to other sources of knowledge, and remain in the bubble Muhammed had created for you. 'Don't hide the truth and you know it.', is just another way of saying, don't purposefully seek other sources of knowledge.

Attend to your prayers, give the zakat [prescribed alms] and bow down with those who bow down. 
(This is another fairly peaceful verse, simply another attempt to mask the true evil. Here it mentions charity and praises it as a beautiful islamic trait, which belongs only to Islam. The process of charity is already present in our very human nature, so we don't need to label it as an Islamic blessing. There are countless examples. 'And bow down with those who believe, telling the Muslims again not to surrender their egos to a higher power, but rather to lose their identities and senses of individualities by submitting to an image of God. Don't confuse surrender, which exists in true spirituality, with submission. Submission is for slaves, don't you see that?


Do you admonish others to do good and forget this yourselves? Yet you read the Book. Will you not then understand? 

(This is just reminding Muslims not to be hypocrites by telling others what they aren't even keeping up with. This isn't the real hypocrisy here! The true hypocrisy, is you being a slave, obedient follower, blond believer, subservient soldier, of Allah.)


Seek help with patience and prayer; this is indeed an exacting discipline, but not to the humble,
('Seek help with patience and prayer'. What kind of twisting is that? It clearly mentioned earlier how one should not be in agreement, and treat with humility, those who argue or debate Islam. Besides, you call the countless protests which are sparked by the most minute of events as calm? It's completely childish! Tell me how can you call this a religion of peace? Tell me.


who know for certain that they will meet their Lord, and that they will return to Him. 
('Except for those who are humble and know they will meet their lord.' This is associating humility and humbleness with being fully and entirely committed to their Lord, whereas they are definitely sure of the delusion, that they will meet him, and will return to him.


Children of Israel, remember My blessing which I have bestowed on you, and how I favoured you above all other people.  
(This is another 'give and take' bargain that you can see at every street corner. It is grocery logic. I give you something, which most probably are delusions, and you give me something back. This proves the Koran to that of a man's logic, that of Muhammed's. This is just telling Muslims to be quiet, follow, and return the favor.)


Guard yourselves against the Day on which no soul shall in the least avail another, when neither intercession nor ransom shall be accepted from it nor shall help be given to it. 
(Another casting of fear into the hearts of Muslims. Fear of the Last Day, and its judgment. Painting vivid imagery and explanation of its horror, surely is something that would only come from an evil mouth. It's completely baseed on fear. You must understand this. He tells you that now, you can have Allah's help, but on the Last day, you'll be all alone, and you shall be doomed. This is something else that keeps Muslims so firmly grasping to their faith. It is the fear of the hereafter.)


Remember when We delivered you from Pharaoh’s people, who subjected you to grievous torment, slaying your sons and sparing only your daughters— surely in that there was a great trial for you from your Lord— 
(This is just an attempt of Muhammed to associate the label of 'trial' and 'test' into a tragic event, which surely happened merely of human's effect on things. Humans brought that tragedy upon themselves. It is we who cause war, and such chaos. What kind of God would cause war, rape, and the slaying of your sons, as a trial? That's one irrational test of faith.)

and when We divided the sea for you and saved you and drowned Pharaoh’s people, while you looked on.
(Another delusional story. The reason Muslims would buy into it, is because they've already been hypnotized by the previous verses and are open to everything. 'Divided the sea'. Telekinetic abilities, scientifically, are possible, but mostly restricted to the moving a coin. Even though he had the telekinetic power to move it, the Koran provides absolutely no scientific explanation for it. Why?
Why not?!


We appointed for Moses forty nights [on Mount Sinai], and in his absence you took to worshipping the calf, and thus became transgressors. 
(Well the reason they transgressed, is because they were left free of Moses, who was constantly telling them what to believe and think, so they just went about exploring and finding other deities. And the notion of exploring, discovering, and experiencing, is associated with transgressing.)


Yet after that We pardoned you, so that you might be grateful. 
(An attempt of Muhammed to make Allah seem like the good guy, and despite the fact that you dared to open your mind to other possibilities, you are supposedly forgiven. This is a kind for of dictatorship.)


Remember when We gave Moses the Scripture, and the criterion [to distinguish between right and wrong], so that you might be guided. 
(Another verse blank with any sort of revealing meaning. We gave Moses the scripture so that you may be guided. ow can you say that humans have free will if you determine what's right and wrong for them? I mean sure, it may seem reasonable the way Muhammed sets the rules, as it came from a mere human. But isn't it up to us humans to decide that for ourselves? Isn't it our right to determine our own connection of moralities from experience, rather from scripture?)


When Moses said to his people, ‘O my people, you have indeed wronged yourselves by worshipping the calf; turn in repentance to your Creator and slay [the culprits] among you. That course is best for you in the sight of your Maker.’ He relented towards you. He is the Forgiving One, the Merciful.  
(This verse surely is merciless, think about it. It says at the end, that Allah is all-forgiving, merciful. Yet at the beginning, it mentions that they ought to slay those who supposedly had gone astray, and worshipped the calf. It's a white, open lie. It says that the slaying of the culprits, or those who dared take alternate paths, is the best course you can take. Yet another verse diminishing open speech and expression of ideas.


Remember when you said, ‘Moses, we will not believe in you until we see God with our own eyes,’ a thunderbolt struck you while you were looking on. 
(This verse is dangerous. Firstly, because the reader has already been absorbed into its rhetorical hypnotism. Secondly, because it instills such a great fear, which is a thunder bolt of lightning, in those who seek reasonable evidence that supports God's existence. You call this a religion of understanding?)


Then We brought you back to life after your death, so that you might be grateful. 
(Then it mentions that you should be grateful for having being brought back to the lies and delusions, after you've experienced true reality and logical thoughts. It makes you delusion your reality, or life. And it makes you reality you biggest fear, or death.)

Then we caused the clouds to provide shade for you and sent down for you manna and quails, saying, ‘Eat the good things We have provided for you.’ Indeed, they did not wrong Us, but they wronged themselves.
(A verse which shows it to be that of human creativity. Its nature and way of teling it is so simplistic, and obviously based on human observation. 'Eat good things we have provided'. Not an bad part of the verse. But I'm not trying to say whether it's good or bad. I'm merely trying to state the fact of whether it's of divine revelation or not. And it is clearly, of Muhammed's experiences and personal thoughts. 'They did not wrong us, but they did wrong themselves.' Again, Muhammed making people think the joke was on them.)


Remember when We said, ‘Enter this land and eat freely wherever you will. Make your way through the gates, bowing down and saying, “God! Forgive us our sins.” We shall forgive you your sins and We shall give abundance to those who do good.’ 
(Again, Muhammed using the concept of bargaining to lure believer's into Allah's commands. The verse says that Allah has allowed you to eat from the land, thus you should be grateful to him. This just projects everything you think is good and proper to a dictatorial image of God above you. Nothing can simply be the way it is. Everything has to be associated with him. Also, it mentions that we shall forgive you for your sins. Again, covering evil with its kindness. He mentions that you are being ever watched and judged by someone above for every action you take, without you having any freedom to experience and see life, yet he shall 'forgive' you for trying to experience something beyond the scope of Islam. Also, giving a false sense of illusory hope to those who do good, or those who are blindly obedient.


But the wrongdoers changed the words to something other than what they had been told. So We sent down upon the transgressors a punishment from heaven, because they were disobedient. 
(Again, a clear sign of pure Nazi methods of control. You don't do what you are told to or instructed, you will receive a 'supposed' punishment from heaven, as they were disobedient, or merely trying to think beyond Islam. This is casting heartless fear into others. It is merciless and of no compassion. It is a prison of mind.)


When Moses prayed for water for his people, We said to him, ‘Strike the rock with your staff!’ And there gushed out from it twelve springs. Each tribe knew its drinking-place. [We said], ‘Eat and drink what God has provided and do not act wrongfully in the land, spreading corruption.’ 
(This verse tells of a rather unrealistic fable of Moses striking rocks with his staff to turn into springs. This just further puts Muslims into the delusion of Islam. It also mentions that you shouldn't act wrongfully and obey Allah. Again, association. Muhammed associated 'wrong' with crossing the limits of Allah, or in other words, seeking knowledge and expanding philosophically beyond his writings. Also, he had associated 'corruption', or in other words, opening up people to other possibilities to explaining life, with treason. Usually in Islam, apostasy, is given the death penalty. It's because Muslims are so afraid of the truth deep within, they'd kill anyone, or cast out anything, which goes against Islam)


When you said, ‘Moses, we cannot bear to eat only one kind of food, so pray to your Lord to bring forth for us some of the earth’s produce, its herbs and cucumbers, its garlic, lentils, and onions.’ He said, ‘Would you take a lesser thing in exchange for what is better? Go to some town and there you will find all that you demand.’ Abasement and destitution were stamped upon them, and they incurred the wrath of God, for having rejected His signs, and they killed His prophets unjustly, because they were rebels and transgressors. 
(Here this verse associates the wrath of God with anyone who rebels or dares go against any of his messengers, most probably aiming at prophet Muhammed. This is just reminding us again that anything that is said against God, or even any rational argument, is punished severely. In this case, destitution. Also, here, when it says messengers, it refers to only those which support the will of Allah. It's shameful to see how anyone who seeks freedom of religion is labelled as a transgressor.)


The believers, the Jews, the Christians, and the Sabaeans— all those who believe in God and the Last Day and do good deeds—will be rewarded by their Lord; they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 
(This, again, equates 'doing good' with being blindly and willingly obedient to Allah's commands. They shan't fear nor shall they grieve. Again, offering consolation to mask the emotions of fear and grievance, which are two perfectly normal emotions. Instead of welcoming them, they are kept hidden behind weak defensive emotions such as anger)


[Children of Israel], We made a covenant with you and raised the mountain high above you, saying, ‘Hold fast to what We have given you and bear its contents in mind, so that you may guard yourselves [against evil].
(This verse is telling of how only what was 'supposedly' revealed from Allah will guard you against the delusory evil. It's a mask of a mask.)


Yet after that you turned away, and but for God’s grace and mercy, you would have surely been among the losers. 
(This is looking down and ridiculing any attempt at apostasy. It associates one who 'leaves faith', even if his own will, as losers and those who are surely wrong)


You are aware of those who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath, whereupon We said to them, ‘Be as apes, despised!’ 
(This verse is truly one that is merely based on instilling fear, by comparing transgressors, or possible apostates, as apes)


We made their fate an example to their own generation and to those who followed them and a lesson to those who fear God. 
(This is talking about how God 'used' those who 'dared' to transgress as an example to those after them. This is just evil. Using fear as a motive. this is the same as what emperors do to certain civilians to set an example to others.)


When Moses said to his people, ‘God commands you to sacrifice a heifer,’ they said, ‘Are you making a mockery of us?’ He answered, ‘God forbid that I should be so ignorant!’ 

(This verse associates being ignorant with not heeding the words of Allah. At this stage of the brainwashing process, it wouldn't really be hard to sow this into the reader's mind)

They said, ‘Ask your Lord to make it clear to us what sort of heifer she should be.’ He answered, ‘God says she should be neither too old nor too young, but in between, so do as you are commanded.’

(This verse contains rather useless elements which proves it to be of a man made philosophy. Also, it says,'do as you are commanded,' meaning,'don't ask questions'. Although in arabic, the underlying meaning of such statements are beautifully hidden in the song-like sound of the words. Arabic, is the perfect language to brainwash. It is called, after all, the language of poetry)

They said, ‘Call on your Lord for us, to show us what colour she should be.’ He answered, ‘God says she should be a bright yellow heifer, pleasing to the eye.’

('Pleasing to the eye', this verse just proves it to be a verse of Muhammed's desire and lust for something beautiful. If god was all wise, why would he want something pleasing to the eye? Is not the eye a human sense?)

They said, ‘Ask your Lord to make it clear to us the exact type of heifer she should be, for to us all heifers look alike. If God wills, we shall be rightly guided.’

(This verse is saying that one can only be guided if Allah wishes him or her to be. Another attempt at sacrificing free will, and identity.)


Moses answered, ‘Your Lord says, she should be a heifer which has not been yoked to plough the land or water the fields, a heifer free from any blemish.’ ‘Now you have told us the truth,’ they answered, and they sacrificed it, though they would rather not have done it. 

(Again showing that Allah is selective about his choices. Does this also mean that he favors some humans over others? Is this equality, where the prophets of Islam are prayed to, and we are considered lower? This again proves the verse to be of man made origins, that of Muhammed. The human instinct of megalomania you can feel behind the verse is so evident)


Then, when you [Israelites] killed someone and started to blame one another— God brought to light what you concealed— 
(This again showing that God brings to light what you conceal. In other words, you can't hide, or have any individual mode of thought. Also, the tone of this verse, which involves, killing and then blaming, proves it to be of a political mind, not of a divine one.)\


We said, ‘Strike [the corpse] with a part of it.’ Thus God restores the dead to life and shows you His signs, so that you may understand.
(Again, Muhammed associating 'understand' with Allah's signs. In other words, these signs, or verses, become their common sense! Anything that opposes it is dangerous to them!)

Then your hearts became as hard as rock or even harder: for, there are rocks from which streams gush forth; and, there are some that cleave asunder and water flows out from them, while others fall down for fear of God. God is not unaware of what you do. 
(This again, categorizing natures of hearts, into two types. One that is hardened, and lost astray, which is one that is in fact free of dogma, and another one that is 'blessed', which is in fear of God. Where is the blessing in fear?! Again, Muhammed twisting words. Again, God is aware of what you do. This just puts Muslims into a fear, of individual thought, as they are constantly paranoid of Allah)

Do you then hope that they will believe in you when some of them have already heard the word of God and then, after having understood it, they knowingly perverted it?
(Again this is associating apostasy as a hopeless case, as they will not be able to believe in the prophets. The reason they won't believe, is because they have already seen the dark, malevolent, side of Islam, that's why they don't want to return. And they aren't trying to 'pervert' it! They are trying to fix the mess that Muhammed has caused, in which he created people that are inable to question and inquire, in order to grow as humans! Again, Muhammed twisting words, associating 'perversion' with 'fixation'.



Do they not know that God knows all that they conceal and all that they disclose? 
(Again, another way of Muhammed keeping the dictator named Allah the contant fear of all Muslims. This causes paranoia. It causes extreme paranoia in fact. Every action, every word, Allah knows what you are doing. This is merely to cast complete fear in the hearts of the Muslims not to do anything that even distantly goes against the will of Allah, or the words of the Koran. This is another technique Muhammed uses in order to instill dread and terror into the hearts of the Muslims.)


There are among them unlettered people who have no real knowledge of the Scriptures, knowing only their own wishful thinking and following only conjecture. 
(This is Muhammed's way of saying that the only real knowledge can only possibly come from the scriptures, and nothing else. It is implying that all sources of morality, be it from any source, is fraudulent, and that the Koran is the only thing to follow. It puts a negative aspect to wishful thinking and conjecture. It implies that conjecture and divergent thinking outside the scope of Islam is a sin, and that it is punishable. Apostasy, again, is equated with death. This is extreme behaviour.)


Woe to those who write the scripture with their own hands, and then declare, ‘This is from God,’ in order to sell it for a paltry price. Woe to them because of what their own hands have written, and woe to them for what they have earned. 
(Again, Muhammed, since he wants to be the only apostle and prophet in the name of God, he puts extreme fear, using 'woe', in order to warn the Muslims not to dare to even think about writing anything and saying it is from God. This can be possible, if one is able to be inspired by God, or is inspired by his surroundings. We see works of art everyday like that. But he warns that associating God with anything that anyone writes, is punishable and extremely sinful. This puts Muslims in a state of fear, so as to not dare cross any limits of the Koran, and completely and blindly accept that it is the inevitably ultimate truth from Allah. And that nothing else can possibly be true.)


They say, ‘The Fire is not going to touch us, and [even if it does], it will only be for a few days!’ Say [to them], ‘Have you received a promise from God— for God never breaks His promise—or do you attribute something to God which you do not know?’
(This verse is probably meant to warn those who read the previous verse. It is probably meant to instill fear into the hearts of those who dare to write anything against the Koran. Again this is fea mongering, and another one of Muhammed's tricks into casting dread into the hearts of Muslims. It is associating 'Fire' in this verse, with writing anything independently of the Koran. Such an evil way to lure one's believers into the trap. It eliminates any possibility of forming one's own personal philosophy, and causes everyone to become a pawn of Muhammed, in which everyone is completely and unwittingly subservient to the will and word of the Koran.)


Truly, those who do evil and are encompassed by their misdeeds, shall be the inmates of the Fire. Therein they shall abide forever, 
(Again, associating evil and misdeeds with the fire. Over here, the misdeeds and evils are not the usual and universally accepted ones. They are merely the ones that have to do with going against the nation of Islam, and writing anything against the Koran. Muhammed has made this clear in the previous verses. Anything that goes against the will of Allah, or the word of the Koran, is punished with hell, and if still alive, death. This is why Muslims never dare to say anything, it is because Muslim countries are caught in a theocratical system in which everyone has the common sense and logic that he should never go against or challenge anything with regards to Islam. Anyone who tries to do that, is immediately considered blasphemous, and an apostate. This is why Muslims are so afraid in Saudi Arabi for example. They know that as soon as anyone questions, or dares to inquire about the validity of the Koran, they are put to death)


but those who believe and do good works are the heirs of Paradise; there they shall abide forever. 
(Again, using paradise as a motive for people to strive for the sake of greed. This verse is probably placed to mask the evil and darkness of the previous verse. People deny the present and life, for the sake of the hereafter. They believe that in death their sols will be saved. This is evident of the constant martyrdom that go on in the name of Islam)


Yet, here you are, slaying one another and driving some of your own people from their homelands, aiding one another against them, committing sin and aggression; but if they came to you as captives, you would ransom them. Surely their very expulsion was unlawful for you. Do you believe in one part of the Book and deny another part of it? Those of you who act thus shall be rewarded with disgrace in this world and with a severe punishment on the Day of Resurrection. God is never unaware of what you do.

(This verse is warning believers not to deny any part of the book. This means to believe in it in its entirety. This means that it should be taken as the absolute truth, with no place for discussion or debate. It puts Muslims in a state where they can't think beyond the Koran. And when I say Muslims, I mean fervent Muslims. Most Muslims claim to be Muslims, but they really aren't. Unless they regularly read the Koran, they aren't really Muslims. So in short, you can say that there are many who aren't really muslims because they originally don't abide by most of what the Koran has to say. Also, another warning of the punishment in the hereafter, to keep muslims in fear and dread.)


Such are they who buy the life of this world at the price of the Hereafter. Their punishment shall not be lightened for them, nor shall they be helped. 

(Another verse that tells Muslims to not care about this life, and only about the hereafter. This is just telling Muslims not to live their lives to learn, experience, and venture off into the unknown. It tells them not to embrace their surrounding because it is not valid, and that the only life worth pursuing is the one in the after life. This is why Muslims are so keen on death and martyrdom. Also, the second part of the verse just reminding Muslims of the complete hell they are determined to be in if they deny any part of the book. This is what leads to religious extremism. It is due to the fact that Muslims take the Koran in its entirety. If it says to kill the nonbelievers, then that's what they shall do. Again, when I say Muslims, I mean fervent Muslims. I do not mean to offend Muslims. I love all humanity.)


To Moses We gave the Book and sent a succession of messengers after him. We gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. But, whenever a messenger came to you with something which you did not desire, you grew arrogant, calling some liars and slaying others. 

(This verse associates being arrogant with being a freedom seeker from religion. It further increases the hatred Muslims have amongst the unbelievers, claiming them to be arrogant and boastful. This is what happens despite the fact that Muslims themselves are full of ego and arrogance about their religion. They claim it to be the ultimate truth, and anything that goes against the Koran is complete nonsense. This is what causes close-mindedness amongst the Muslim population.)


They say, ‘Our hearts are impenetrably wrapped [against whatever you say],’ but God has rejected them for their denial; they have but little faith.

(Firstly, if God was merciful, he would give people the freedom to choose the religion they wish to be in. God doesn't simply reject people because they don't belong to Islam. This is a way of separating Muslims from the rest of the world. This is a way of telling the Muslims that denial of Islam will inevitably lead to punishment and suffering in this life. It leaves no way for a Muslim to escape.)


And now that a Book has come to them from God, fulfilling that [predictions about the final prophet in their scriptures] which is with them, they deny it—whereas previously they used to pray for victory against the disbelievers—yet when there came to them that which they recognized as the truth, they rejected it. God’s rejection is the due of all who deny the truth. 

(This verse is rather dangerous. It associates 'truth' with the Koran. That means that Muslims will obey every single letter of the Koran without question, even if it means the violation of human rights. It also puts words into the mouth of God. It says that God will deny all those who have doubt in the Koran. This means that Christians and Jews are all non-righteous people. This is why you see racism between Muslims and other religions. This is why you see suicide bombings that go in favor against all those who disbelieve in Islam. Islam is the biggest lie in history, as an Ex-Muslim put it. Its ability to brainwash someone is almost ideal.)


What they have sold their souls for is evil: to the denial of God’s own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred wrath upon wrath. Humiliating punishment awaits those who deny the truth. 

(Again, instilling absolute fear of Hell into all the hearts of the poor Muslims. Hell is used as a means to warn and grudge Muslims into fearing to ever go back from their religion. This is why you don't see Muslim apostates! They are terrified not only from the Koran, but also from the death threats that will come towards them! This is a major issue!)


When they are told, ‘Believe in what God has revealed,’ they say, ‘We believe in what was revealed to us,’ while they deny the truth in what has been sent down after that, even though it is the Truth, confirming that which they already have. Say, ‘Why did you kill God’s prophets in the past, if you were true believers?




Say, ‘If God’s abode of the Hereafter is for you alone, to the exclusion of all others, then wish for death, if you are truthful.’  

(This verse is truly vile. It is telling all those who disbelieve to just wish for death if they think that they can be rewarded with anything. This again reinforces Muslims into believing that nonbelievers are nothing but monsters that they should detest, even though they probably have proper moral values that come from sources besides the Koran)


But they will never wish for death, because of what their own hands have sent on before them; God is fully aware of the wrongdoers. 

(God is fully aware of the wrongdoers. Again, reinforcing fear into the hearts of the Muslims, telling them that God is always watching you, so don't you dare anything sinful. In other words, don't you dare speak against the Koran. Koran is all about fear)


You will find them clinging to life more eagerly than any other people, even the polytheists. Any of them would wish to be given a life of a thousand years, though even such a long life would not save them from [Our] punishment; and God sees all that they do.

(This verse is just telling the Muslims that all those who disbelieve are firmly engrained in this life, and the verse associates them as being losers. What's wrong with being attached to this life? What happened to making the most out of your life? Why must we miss out on the present, and put all our hopes on the afterlife? How will we ever advance as human beings if we continually place our hopes in the realm of a life that exists beyond this life? There is something seriously wrong, but we're far from finished)