Sunday, November 18, 2012

Spray Paint This! Don't be Afraid! Go on my ex muslims

Religion is Mind Control - George Carlin

Don't let them take control!

If one person has a delusion, it is called insanity
If many people have a delusion, it is called religion
-Richard Dawkins

Write along with me my friends!

Islam encourages martyrdom, Religion of Life?

Paint your colors, spray your freedom!

Islam inspires hatred towards Jews, religion of Love?

Sorrow will not consume us forever!

Islam burns every philosophy, which inspires thought, religion of freedom?

Without uncertainty, there's no purpose to live!

Koran: Totalitarian Agenda

Write with me my oppressed!

People throwing themselves away to death, in the name of Allah. What a waste of life! - Walid Shoebat

Sheikhs, constantly oppress women, religion of equality?

You live only once, don't waste it listening to the words of a thousand years past!

Ask questions about Islam. If we don't, what are we but blind followers?

If you don't truly believe in Islam, why not rebel? Is it fear? Do not let fear take control!

'Love humanity, and let things be the way they are, without letting God, ne the reason for everything. Be yourselves!' -Osho

Let us love one another, rather than fear God

Lies can only last so long


It's about time!!!

We must!!!

to all ex muslims

My fellow ex muslims
those who are apostates
in their minds
while hiding,
their heart's words

My dear ex muslims
those constantly oppressed
by the seriousness in the eyes
of those around
go on, and set others free

My beloved ex muslims
those that are concealed
in bare sight
reveal your soul's true face
while anonymous,
while unknown

My constrained ex muslims
reveal the art
you so long have hid
to others and all around
so that we may see
a new age
of enlightenment
of reason

My distressed ex muslims
go out, and paint your colors
of rebellion, of freedom
from this theocracy
from this dictatorship

My worn out ex muslims
go out, and spread your wings
of revolution, so that others may feel
the passion of your bravery
to ignite their torches
as well

My oppressed ex muslims
do not hide any more
reveal your heart's true words
through unknown identities
across the internet
and every street
every public wall

My poisoned ex muslims
heal yourselves from this disease
one that has filled your lungs
with the stench of unwanted hate
and the smell of deadened corpses

My beloved ex muslims
let your voices be heard
across every street corner
on every website
in every online forum
in every blog
in every space
between every comment

Let us not die
with the pages of history
let us be heard
as those who desired
once again

Let us not be erased
as those who have
been called mad
or blasphemous
and shout out loud
our poetry of purity

Let us not be conquered
by the hypocrisy
of totalitarian sheikhs
who spread their beliefs
through indirect force
upon others

Let us not die,
While the true voices
in our minds,
our hearts
not be released
from the top of
our lungs

Let us rebel
against those
who have
and twisted
our minds
to hate,
to be violent
to conquer
and to spread our beliefs
with force
and barbarism

Let us not be overruled
by those with long beards
by those who enforce
what's right, what's wrong
who tell us
what is moral, what is good
and let us not see, or embrace
the other side,
of the truth
of reality

Let us not be stepped on
by the complete terror
that they instill into us
day and night
out of the absolute fear of Allah
that has eliminated
our very ability
to live

Let us be heard
my oppressed
my fellow ex muslims
you who have been called possessed
or mad, for your talking
against this religion
that inspires only hate
and prohibits the very freedom
of art, and the unknown

Let us start this,
Let us once again
know what clarity
genuinely means

Raise Awareness on the Danger of Islam

My fellow ex muslims
those who are apostates
in their minds
while hiding,
their heart's words

My dear ex muslims
those constantly oppressed
by the seriousness in the eyes
of those around
go on, and set others free

My beloved ex muslims
those that are concealed
in bare sight
reveal your soul's true face
while anonymous,
while unknown

My constrained ex muslims
reveal the art
you so long have hid
to others and all around
so that we may see
a new age
of enlightenment
of reason

I am going to put this post as a means to hopefully raise awareness on Islam, by mentioning and listing those that have inspired me to speak about such matters without fear.

There is:
Wafa Sultan
IQ al rasoolli
Sam Solomon

These people surely have taken a strong stand against Islam, clearly and energetically stating its errors, flaws, and evils, and not hesitating to prove Muslim scholars wrong. I strongly recommend that you see their videos, and/or read their books.

Thank you,

Lie hater

Monday, November 12, 2012

The greatest question, I think, every Muslim should ask

Please everyone, like and share this, so that Muslims can have the opportunity, to consider this possibility.

Comment, and share you opinion! 

All the true answers, I believe, lie in the childhood of the prophet.

Firstly, his father, Abdul Mutalib, raised the prophet until he was eight years old. That means he couldn't have been a Muslim, as Muhammed hasn't yet reached prophethood.

After that, the prophet was taken into the care of Abu Talib.

Why did Abu Talib, the Uncle of the prophet, who knew, raised, and cared for the prophet since he was a child, an orphan, and who probably knew him more truly than anyone else, not embrace Islam, even to his last breath?


The human mind has unimaginable potential to create, thrive, and flourish in the areas of art, poetry, literature, and science. It is an absolute phenomenon, which until now, cannot be fully explained.


The Koran, the reason people believe it is a word from God, runs by the following process:

1)   Muhammed, who still wasn’t brainwashed by religion, had the mental capacity to create such a beautiful piece of poetic art. Although some verses may seem to be a scientific miracle, the verses can be interpreted in countless different ways.
2)   People fell under the spell of its rhetoric, fell in love with its words, thus being hypnotized by the eloquence of its rhymes, which in turn caused them to obey and abide by all of its philosophies through considerable and undoubted amount of fear.
3)   This process of blindly following its codes and certainty, dumbed and numbed their very minds to function artistically, as functioning artistically can only happen when you believe in the beauty of life’s uncertainty
4)   Slowly, through the generations, it has been conditioned more and more into the minds of children, until it became equated with physical law, and factual absolutions


Why? This is too hard to consume. But think about it. This part, I think, is going to raise a question that is extremely important for every Muslim to ask. Although the prophet had many followers who knew him well, we still can’t perfectly put eyes into theirs to see how they actually perceived the prophet. Even though many of his followers knew the prophet, that was only as he was an adult. Think about it! Who is the only person, who truly knew Muhammed? The person who truly raised him, and saw him from youth growing up? Who is the one, who saw the prophet, in the stages while he still was a child, and who can be able to see his very true nature? It was Abu Talib.

  Here come’s the major question that every Muslim should ask, ‘Why is he probably the only one, who hasn’t entered Islam, despite him being the closest to the prophet, as his very guardian? Ask yourselves! Why is he the only one, who hadn’t embraced Islam, despite him being around the prophet more than anyone else, at least as far as his childhood goes? Maybe, just maybe, he saw more in the prophet than all of us did. He might have seen that the orphan was psychotic, delusional, and extremely gifted in the art of persuasion. Maybe he saw him, despite the prophet appearing innocent, as a megalomaniac who sought power and control over the mind of man. What if this is true? Maybe he saw the true side of the prophet as he was a child, before he was able to mask it later on in adulthood. As we know, when one reaches adulthood, he can be far more able to hide a side of him he wishes other people not to see. I’m not saying that it is true, but if it is so, then Islam is the greatest tragedy, and misperception mankind has ever faced. If it is true, then Islam would be a cult, masked with the false name of religion, that has cursed mankind for an unfortunately long time.

What I would love to say, to a Muslim audience

'My dear friends, I am not here to judge your beliefs, they may be beautiful to you, but there is a far darker side you ought to observe.

When was the last time you looked into a mirror, and truly, honestly, and genuinely noticed any sign of brilliance in those eyes? All you really see, is just a reflection of your faith, which is blindly adapated and taken from others, so as to give yourself comfort. You are not truly religious, but rather cultish.

Why do I say cult? The meaning of cult, is to follow and abide by something without asking why, or wondering what. That is what a cult is. If people are put to death, or are slain, because they speak anything of Allah, what is this but a political agenda? Think about it! Why are we not allowed to question and argue regarding this issue, especially within our own countries?

If one cannot argue, disagree, or go against something, then he cannot truly believe in it in the first place. It can't be truly engrained in your mind as a true belief, but instead a form of blind faith. You must understand this? If you are Muslims merely because the thousands around you are Muslims, then you are simply part of a heartless totalitarian agenda. If you give yourself the comfort of saying that it is true because so many people believe in it, then you are simply a follower with no rational reason for why you are going down such a path. You must think!

When was the last time, you were able to freely express yourself, artistically, without anyone telling you it was prohibited in Islam? When was the last time that there was not a negative, except that it was irrationally labeled as the work of satan? When was the last time, you were left to have your own philosophical opinion on things, without watching over your shoulder?

Your days are coming to an end, you are going to have to see this for yourselves. I cannot put it upon you. Eventually, the streams of knowledge, true knowledge, will come crashing down on your religion, burning its claims right to the ground. Islam cannot exist with true philosophical knowledge. It may exist partially with scientific knowledge, but not with philosophical and spiritual. And we are beginning to realize this fact, day by day.

You can hide in your shells, and let ignorance reinforce what you believe in. But you can't hide in false light forever. You will eventually see, that all of this, was one giant misunderstanding, one giant delusion.

Look into your minds my friends, do you feel independent and self-reliant thoughts roaming inside it, or just a stream of words and religious phrases that you have been repeating most of your life? You must see this. This is mass brainwashing. It is complete obliteration of the mind's capacity, through the implementation of a system, that is so eloquently guarded by the genius of Muhammed.

Look into you hearts, my fervent Muslims, do you no see it. That stagnation? That true inner desire for death, for martyrdom? That true lust for making Islam rule the world on a political scale? You may deny it, but you know it is there. Can't you detect it, that surge of hatred, no matter how subtle, that comes throughout your whole body, as soon as someone argues with Islam, even though he does so innocently? You have been conditioned to hate. This is the greatest tragedy to have ever fallen mankind.

Just look within, and search for your soul, and observe it. Do you truly see real light? Or just a light created out of your own mind, out of the concepts of comfort and consolation? Do you really see true enlightenment, or this rushing doubt about all of what you thought was true, just bugging your mind all the time. You know it, don't deny it, that you doubt. You'd like to hide it, to remain sane, accepted by those around, but you know, that you are not being true to yourself, my fervent Muslims. I don't blame you. That's how the generations have been going, instilling absolute fear of transgressing, or asking questions, since birth. This is far worse than what hitler has done. You will probably never be able to rid your mind of the poison that was given to you. But at least, try to see reality, for what it truly is, once more my friends.

You can't hide forever, the more and more you are knowing due to this mass diffusion of knowledge, the more responsibility you carry to seek the truth. And as soon as someone tells you, instructs you, or even enforces that you don't ask questions, then it can't really be the truth. Even though it is the truth, the way it is given, makes it a rather evil truth. It becomes like a built in concept in your mind. You can't shake it off. Even though, deep down, you want to do so. This is why you find yourselves reacting without thought to anything outside the scope of Islam. This is mass delusion my friends.

Ask yourselves, 'Do you truly feel like you can think, and reason independently?'

Look to the person sitting next to you, and look deep into his eyes. Don't just look at them. Stare deeply into them. Notice how it is reactive rather than responsive?

Think about it, why are you here right now? Is it because you were inherited with the religion? If so, then you are not truly a Muslim. Only if the parents allow you to make a decision after you've reached adulthood to enter Islam, than you are not a Muslim out of rationality. You are a Muslim as a blind follower. Correct me if I'm wrong. You have to see this.

You have to wake up. I'm not saying that you are all put under a spell. But if your beliefs are based on what the society expects you to believe, and to abide by, then you are hypocrite. I don't mean to offend. You may not even realize it. You are simply a trickster to yourself. You think you are being righteous by following the words of a thousand years, but you are simply putting all your faith in something you refuse to question. If you don't question, then how can you grow mentally? How can you grow spiritually? You have to doubt something first, before you can truly believe in it.'

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The perspective of a fervently religious Muslim

The perspective of a fervently religious Muslim

Deductive reasoning:


-Where did everything come from?
-Why am I here?
-Everything is already figured out
-No need to seek philosophical knowledge
-Anything I individually assume is unimportant
-All true knowledge comes from scripture
-How did everything start?

Is deduced to:
God knows all


-I can’t make mistakes (in order to learn from them)
-I can’t argue with his scripture
-I can’t do anything I want(caged with law)

is deduced to:
God is all watching


-My opinion has no influence
-He can do everything I can’t
-I am powerless
-I have no ability to make a change
-I am no one without him
-my effort is futile

is deduced to:
God is all powerful


-I will lay down my life for him, even through martyrdom
-Anything that goes against him, or argues against him, is a wrongdoer
-If I am to die in his name, then I am blessed with paradise (senseless sacrifice)
-Nothing can overlap his word

is deduced to:
God is the greatest (Allahu Akbar)


-If I read a book, it won’t make sense to me, if anything goes against this
-If I hear an atheist, then he is wrong
-If I am learning from other religions, then I am associating with him
-If I don’t worship him, then I’ll go to hell
-He is the only one I worship

is deduced to:
There is no God but God


-I am in a constant inner conflict( even though it is mostly self-created)
-Anything philosophical I read outside the scope of Islam, is of Satan’s work
-Anyone who dares cross the scripture, is possessed
-Any sign of mental illness, surely needs exorcism

is deduced to:
God has made satan an enemy unto mankind


-He sent the last word, anything else related to ultimate purpose is meaningless
-Anyone who dares speak of him, should be punished with death
-The only person I should learn from is him (a sign of cultism)
-Any word against him is blasphemy
-He is the perfect human, far above me

is deduced to:
The prophet is God’s messenger


-If I say anything against it, I will be attacked
-It is God’s promise that it shall save the world from confusion
-To treat it with any disrespect, is considered absolute betrayal
-It is complete and full, directly from God, thus cannot be refuted
-My knowledge, or what I think I know, is futile compared to its message (i.e my opinion doesn’t count)
-It is greater than any other, thus can’t be compared or argued with the content of the other
-It is the direct word of God, so anything it says should be followed
-It is completely perfect, any thought against it should be dismissed (thought stopping)
-It is the truth, so all my morals come from it
-Any thought which tends to go against its content, is of satan’s work
-Anyone who tries to disprove it, has been misled by satan
-People who go against it, don’t know that the joke was on them
-It is an absolute certainty, a complete constant, a perfect masterpiece (this certainty eliminates life, which is based on the unknown)
-Its scientific miracles prove it to be true (even though its poetic nature can give alternate interpretations)
-Since my parents, who are older and have more experience than me, told me it’s true, it must definitely be true
-If I try to go against it openly, everyone will disrespect me
-Every word is sacred, entirely holy, so it should be feared with all my heart (instill fear in hearts: this fear inhibits any thought process which attempts to go beyond it)
-If it has guided people through a thousand years, then it definitely ought to be true
(even though it is the most recent of religions)
-All poets who attempt to go against it, and try to write against it, are surely mad (as mentioned in the Koran, this labeling of ‘mad’ discourages anyone deeply from trying to write any truly beautiful and liberating poetry. Especially after they’ve been conditioned into the religion)
-Anyone who burns the Koran, has burnt the only thing keeping me alive, and connected to sanity
-Its timeless wisdoms prove them to be a word of God(even though its content can be related to from earlier teachings. Also, wisdoms tend to be timeless in the first place)

is deduced to
Koran is the true word

-Then why doe he paint such violent images of hell in his scriptures? No! Dangerous thinking
-Then why should we fear him so deeply? Oh wait, another one.
-Then why does hell exist? Oh, that’s not good
-Then why does he not forgive apostates? Another one
is deduced to:
God is merciful

-God is the answer to truth
-Evolution, rational or not, is unjustified
-The thrill of mystery is pointless, as he created everything
-Beauty comes from him
-He is the source of all, any thought beyond that is evil and dark
-He is the beginning and the end, that is for sure (This concept abides with time, proving it not divine)
-I don’t need to look anymore, to ask anymore (which is the sole purpose of living)
is deduced to:
God is the creator

Inductive reasoning:

Rationalism, thought, argument
-distasted by others
-discouraged by Koran
-viewed as blasphemy
-dishonored by prophet

-considered prohibited
-lead’s to Satan’s embrace(even though it simply trieds to free one’s spirit to beauty)
-is sinful
-is against faith

-it is your only source of redemption
-it is the only action, or ritual, that sets you free
-it is one of the few things that are uplifting in the world, the others also being religious related
-it is an obligation
-it is the only path to inspiration
-If I don’t practice it, I will be punished now and the hereafter (now:is anything bad happens, it’s because you hadn’t prayed. hereafter: I will taste hell)

-must be reinforced in any way (ignorance) and let nothing shake it (knowledge)
-is of grave importance, as the scripture has told me, and the prophet
-Solution to all problems
-Brings out the good in everything
-You should die while it still remaining in your mind
-When it comes to it, your source of sanity
-Worth more than anything, even your loved ones

-comes only when repeating mantras
-comes only with firm belief(usually blind)
-comes only with Islam
-comes only from God
other religions
-are insignificant compared to Islam
-must be overcome by Islam
-nothing of them is true
-If sheikhs say attack, then attack (Naziistic approach)
-are lost and misguided
-if sex-related, it is prohibited
-if intimacy related, it is hated
-if shown through sight, it is of Satan
-only to your spouse
Hatred, anger, violence
-necessary, if to raise children to its teachings
-okay, if to defend the Koran
-permitted, if in the name of god
-allowed, if within the scope of Islam
Knowledge outside scope of Islam
-Satan’s work
-must be burnt

Prophet: megalomaniac
God:Heartless dictator

And the delusion continues